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(13/207) 1541371 - Highlight matching elements if before an element too

Highlight matching elements if before an element too,
not just if behind or in an element that has a
matching element. Especially if you have the block
cursor turned on, but without too, it is irritating
that the matching element is not highlighted.
Dunno at the moment what to do if between two
elements that have a matching element. In UltraEdit
e. g. the one that is before the caret is highlighted
in such a case. And if
func=detail&aid=1540763&group_id=588&atid=100588 gets
implemented, then it is clear which matching elements
belong to each other.

Sorry if this is a dupe, but I have many bugs to post
and am too lazy to check them all for dupes
currently. :-)

OS: Windows XP
Java Version: Sun Java 1.5.0_06-b05
jEdit Version: SVN Revision 6684

Submitted vampire0 - 2006-08-16 - 15:30:34z Assigned nobody
Priority 5 Category None
Status Open Group None
Resolution None Visibility No

